One of the projects that was handed over by UNOPS is a health facility in Nimule. (UNOPS photo)

UNOPS, IOM hand over 333 physical infrastructure to authorities in South Sudan

The UN Office for the Project Service (UNOPS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have constructed and handed over a total of 333 Physical infrastructure to the authorities in 20 counties across the 10 states of South Sudan.

The UN Office for the Project Service (UNOPS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have constructed and handed over a total of 333 Physical infrastructure to the authorities in 20 counties across the 10 states of South Sudan.

According to a UNOPS statement Friday, the projects were handed out at different time intervals upon completion of each project in every location across the country.

The Physical infrastructure was constructed and some renovated under a three-year-“Enhancing Community Resilience & Local Governance Project” (ECRP). The ECRP started on 3 September 2020 and is expected to end on 31 July 2024. 

“The World Bank funds the project and aims at addressing the immediate needs for basic services and strengthening local institutions’ capacity across the country,” the statement said. “The ECRP is an initiative that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by responding to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the communities across South Sudan.”

“The completion and handing over of these projects have left impactful traces of transformation and development in many communities nationwide,” the UNOPS statement added. 

According to the ECRP Senior Project Manager, Mr. John Nyirenda, the two implementing partners, UNOPS and IOM, have handed over 33 primary school blocks, 30 health facilities, 14 water yards, 229 boreholes, 8 feeder roads (40 km), 11 market sheds, 4 community centers, and 4 haffirs to various authorities across South Sudan.   

In addition to the construction work, the project has built the capacity of 369 Bomas and 20 county coordination committees.