Sudan’s military intelligence arrests humanitarian volunteers in Sinja

A volunteer at the emergency room in Sudan’s Sennar State said the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Military Intelligence arrested several young volunteers in Sinja while they were providing service to displaced people fleeing the war in Al-Jazeerah State.

A volunteer at the emergency room in Sudan’s Sennar State said the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Military Intelligence arrested several young volunteers in Sinja while they were providing service to displaced people fleeing the war in Al-Jazeerah State.

Sennar State received thousands of citizens fleeing Al Jazeerah State where fighting erupted between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) as the latter took control of the state, forcing a number of its residents to flee to neighboring states.

The Sinja Emergency Room confirmed that military intelligence had arrested volunteers from Sinja in the main market while they were receiving the displaced and took them to the command of the 17th Infantry Division.

“They were beaten and abused,” the brief statement said.

The statement indicated that some volunteers at the Lammat Khair tent, which also provides services to the displaced, were also arrested, leading to the cessation of volunteer services in the city.

According to the statement, several volunteers were released but four of them are still in detention and their fate is not known. They said they would hold the military authorities in the city responsible for the safety of the detained volunteers.

The official spokesman for the Sennar Emergency Room, Khalid Sultan, told Radio Tamazuj that they were shocked by and regretted the army’s behavior, saying that the Sennar Emergency Room continued to carry out voluntary work throughout the outbreak of war in the service of citizens. He questioned the reasons for the arrest of the volunteers in the room.

Sultan explained that Sinja received thousands of displaced people fleeing the war.