Sudanese national killed by Chadian soldier along border

Sudanese families fleeing the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, make their way through the desert after they crossed the border between Sudan and Chad to seek refuge in Goungour, Chad on May 12, 2023. (Reuters file photo)

A Sudanese national was shot and killed by a Chadian soldier on the border between the two countries last week, the native administration said.

A Sudanese national was shot and killed by a Chadian soldier on the border between the two countries last week, the native administration said.

The victim was identified as Adil Hasab Al-Daim Abdel-Rahman, a resident of West Darfur State.

Hafez Taj al-Din Abdul Rahim, Deputy Head of the Executive Office of the Native Administration of Arab Tribes in West Darfur state, told Radio Radio Tamazuj that the late Adil Hasab al-Daim was shot and killed 100 meters deep inside Sudanese territory on their way back with his friend from the Chadian town of Adre to Sudan.

He explained that the incident happened after Adil failed to respond to a call by a Chadian military officer. “His friend responded to the call, but the deceased refused to respond, and then he was shot dead instantly,” Hafez said.

Hafez added, “After we learned of the incident, we moved as a civil administration with a committee specialized in resolving border disputes. We sat down with the Chadian side and found great cooperation from them. The perpetrator was arrested, and we decided to address the issue once and for all.”

Hafez pointed out that three similar incidents occurred near the border with Chad last month, but all of them had been addressed.

Meanwhile, human rights activist Hafez Idris Ibrahim explained that Sudanese-Chadian relations are good owing to the efforts of the native administration and the Chadian side.

Idris acknowledged the existence of some problems, but there is a joint committee to resolve the disputes. “We have a long border with Chad, and we have full coordination with the border tribes, and there are committees to contain any problem along the border. There were many problems, but they have been resolved with the help of the commissioner of Adre and some soldiers in the border areas,” he said.

The activist explained that the cross-border trade between the two countries is flourishing, saying markets between both sides are secure and safe.

Chadian military officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

The conflict in Sudan has driven more than 382,000 refugees to Chad, according to the UN refugee agency, more than 200,000 of them to Adre.