Opinion| The neglected and forgotten unsung heroes of South Sudan

In the heart of South Sudan, a tale of neglect and betrayal haunts the very heroes who once shed blood, sweat, and tears for the liberation of their people. These brave individuals dedicated their lives to securing freedom from the oppressive rule of North Sudan, yet find themselves abandoned by the very government they fought to establish.

In the heart of South Sudan, a tale of neglect and betrayal haunts the very heroes who once shed blood, sweat, and tears for the liberation of their people. These brave individuals dedicated their lives to securing freedom from the oppressive rule of North Sudan, yet find themselves abandoned by the very government they fought to establish.

James Maker’s story echoes the sentiments of many wounded heroes in South Sudan. Having endured injuries in the fierce battles of Sudan Safari and Malakal, James applied for much-needed medical assistance that the government promised. However, he found himself left in the lurch, watching helplessly as his health deteriorated while waiting for the support that never arrived.

Reports from reliable sources indicate that the government had allocated funds to provide medical treatment abroad for these wounded heroes. Sadly, the reality paints a starkly different picture. It seems that favoritism and corruption have seeped into the system, with funds being channeled towards individuals with connections rather than those needing it.

One heartbreaking revelation comes to light as James recounts how a colleague of his, hailing from a region with significant influence in the funding decisions, effortlessly secured the assistance that James so desperately sought but never received. This disparity in treatment has sparked outrage among many who believe that justice should prevail for all wounded heroes of the liberation struggle spanning from 1983 to 2013.

As the year 2024 unfolds, a staggering 2024 wounded heroes continue to cry out for the justice and support that they deserve. Their sacrifices should not be in vain, and their agonies should not be ignored. It is time for the government to honor its commitments, uphold the principles of equality and fairness, and extend a helping hand to those who once laid down their lives for the freedom of South Sudan.

The plight of these heroes serves as a stark reminder that true liberation is not just about breaking free from external oppressors but also about ensuring the well-being and dignity of those who fought bravely for their people.

The time has come for their voices to be heard, their wounds to be healed, and their sacrifices to be honored. South Sudan must not forget its heroes; they are the living embodiment of the nation’s struggle and resilience.

A controversy arose over the disbursement of funds allocated for compensating individuals who were not wounded in the recent war.

The top Generals, Gen. Santino  Deng Wol Chok and Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam, were set to receive lion’s shares of the payment of USD 150, 000 and 100,000 respectively This uneven distribution raised eyebrows among the citizens, prompting questions about where truly wounded individuals were in this scenario.

Emmanuel Malual Makuach is a South Sudanese journalist and researcher focusing on the impact of social media triggers in the conflicts of 2013 and 2016 in South Sudan. Contact him at malualmakuach77@gmail.com

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