Local business women display their produce along the street of Mugwo town.jpg

Mugwo County re-opens market after 3 years of conflict

Traders at Ginjani Market of Mugwo County in Yei River State have resumed business after years of conflict.

Traders at Ginjani Market of Mugwo County in Yei River State have resumed business after years of conflict.

Mugwo County, about 14 miles along the Yei-Kaya road is one of the leading suppliers of local farm produce and domestic animals to traders and consumers in Yei town and Juba city.

Following the 2016 conflict, Mugwo county residents were either killed, displaced internally or sought refuge in neighboring Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

However, after a recent joint meeting between the opposition SPLA-IO forces and government troops in the area as part of the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement, the residents of Mugwo told Radio Tamazuj that the security has greatly improved and they can resume their normal lives.

Michael Dada a local businessman in the area said the re-opening of their market is a positive sign that the peace deal will hold.

“I am very happy because of the peace deal, our roads are now opening and we have started our business at Ginjani market. I am selling some fresh cassava and a bundle cost 20 SSP, six pieces of maize cost 15 SSP and a bucket of maize cost 200 SSP. I am very happy because the SPLA-IO and government soldiers are now working for peace”

Hellen Tabu a buyer who visited the market said they can now move freely to and from the market due to improved security.

“This market was closed down for more than three years now. I am happy to see people coming from Yei and others coming from Uganda buying items from this market on transit to Yei town. I came here to buy some oil, salt and soap for myself,” said a jubilant Tabu.

For his part, Mugwo County commissioner Emmanuel Taban Seme thanked the government and opposition forces in the area for committing to allow free movement of civilians in the region.

“As a government we will ensure that we create conducive environment for our local traders. By us doing good things to our people, we are contributing to the implementation of the peace agreement” he added.

Taban expressed appreciation to all the forces in the area saying the people can now restart their lives.