CTSAMVM Chairperson Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero Amad. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

Continued clashes a threat to peace: Ceasefire body

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) on Tuesday warned that continued clashes in Upper Nile State and fighting by the rebel National Salvation Front (NAS) constitute a threat to the peace implementation.

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) on Tuesday warned that continued clashes in Upper Nile State and fighting by the rebel National Salvation Front (NAS) constitute a threat to the peace implementation.

Speaking during the CTSAMVM Technical Committee meeting in Juba, Lt Gen Asrat Denero Amad, the Mechanism’s chairperson, said the amplified incidents of fighting might derail the peace process.

“There have been several reports allegedly involving NAS. CTSAMVM is very concerned about the risk that these incidents pose to the peace process,” he said. “CTSAMVM has continued to receive reports of fighting in Upper Nile State involving Agwelek forces, armed youths also called “white army”, Kit-Gwang forces, SPLM/A-IO, and the SSPDF. CTSAMVM MVT Malakal has provided an interim report based on the engagements made with different stakeholders.”

Gen. Denero revealed that CTSAMVM is mobilizing its resources to send a Monitoring and Verification Team to Malakal in the next few days to investigate the clashes in Tonga and New Fangak.

He said there has been reported fighting in Maiwut County, Upper Nile State involving SSPDF and SPLM/A-IO and CTSAMVM will get on the ground very soon to have investigations conducted.

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Chuol Ruey, the SPLM-IO senior representative to CTSAMVM, urged the body’s leadership to seriously investigate the fighting across the country.

“We urge the leadership of CTSAMVM to pay attention to the current skirmishes in the country,” he said. “We appreciate the calm in many parts of the country but the few flash points have to be looked into because we are very concerned with some of the occurrences of violence.”