W. Bahr el Ghazal: Teachers urged to adopt effective teaching skills

The Ministry of Education in Western Bahr el Ghazal State has urged teachers to adopt effective teaching skills and abide by their code of conduct while carrying out their duties.

The Ministry of Education in Western Bahr el Ghazal State has urged teachers to adopt effective teaching skills and abide by their code of conduct while carrying out their duties.

Addressing teachers on Friday during a teachers’ training course conducted by the private Promise Secondary and Primary School in Wau, the state’s director general for primary schools, Lawrence Alex, said teaching skills, the code of conduct, and ethics need to be internalized by all teachers.

“You teachers need to know more about effective teaching; you have to gain a lot of knowledge in it because it can help you to do your work very well and help students understand what you are explaining to them,” said Alex. “The learners need to gain knowledge from you.”

Meanwhile, Andrea Aliel Mawien, one of the teachers who attended the training, said it is important to train teachers on quality education.

“As a teacher, I need to deliver a quality education to the learners, and that means that I should be well trained and have professional ethics,” he said. “We must teach effectively so that our students become responsible citizens.”

On his part, the principal of the Promise Secondary and Primary School, Benjamin Bak, said they took the initiative to train the teachers in effective teaching skills.

“This training is important because there are some codes that teachers must know, like how a teacher behaves,” said Bak.

The training is being attended by 26 teachers drawn from secondary, primary and nursery schools.