Tonj South: Three people missing after cattle raid found

Three people who were missing after a cattle raid in Tonj South County of Warrap state have been found, a local official said.

Three people who were missing after a cattle raid in Tonj South County of Warrap state have been found, a local official said.

On Friday evening, 40 cattle were raided and three people, including a woman, went missing following an attack by armed men in Akoching Boma of Manyangok Payam.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Saturday, Warrap state information minister William Mayom Bol said the three missing people have returned home safely.

“On Friday evening, cattle raiders suspected to be from Cueibet County of Lakes State raided over 40 cattle from Akoching in Manyangok Payam. So the attack targeted unarmed civilians, which prompted the cattle keepers to rush to the scene because those who carried out the attack were armed. They were unable to recover the stolen animals,” he explained.

Mayom urged the authorities in Lakes State to search and return the raided cattle.

“We still urge the government of Lakes state, particularly Cueibet County, to recover and return the raided cattle, “he added.

For his part, Lakes state information minister William Koji said he had no information about the matter but said incidents of cattle rustling between the two states have been happening repeatedly.

“I have not yet received information from the commissioner, but you know it always happens. The government is working on it to stop it from happening,” Koji said.

Cattle raids are common in between Lakes and Warrap States. This presents a major challenge to the national government, which also faces security challenges in other parts of the country.