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ABU JABRA - 23 May 2014

Sudan: Rizeigat tribal leaders warn of food gap

Bashir Hamdi, a leader of the Rizeigat tribe in Sudan’s Darfur, has warned of a coming hunger in the region amid rising prices.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj yesterday from Abu Jabra Locality, the tribal omda requested the state government to provide assistance to citizens before the rainy season starts.

Hamid, who also member of National Congress Party in the state, pointed out that the citizens are suffering from hunger due to soaring prices of products at the market.

“The small bushel of millet rose to 25 SSP and sorghum reached 15 SSP,” he explained.

For his part, the deputy nazir of the Ma’alia tribe called for an urgent peace conference between the two warring tribes of Ma’alia and Hamar, so that farmers can resume cultivation to alleviate hunger.

This came in his meeting with the parliamentary committee tasked by the government to hold a reconciliation conference between Ma’alia and Hamar tribes in West Kordofan in late May.