Opinion| The absence of transparency from Warrap State, Government of South Sudan, and UNISFA regarding the Twic-Ngok conflict is disconcerting

Despite the misinformation being spread by the Abyei Special Administration, Abyei parliamentarians, and various Abyei civil organizations, the government of Warrap State has chosen to refrain from making any statements regarding the outbreak of fighting in Abyei Town between the Ngok of Abyei fighting forces and their allied militias from Unity State.

Despite the misinformation being spread by the Abyei Special Administration, Abyei parliamentarians, and various Abyei civil organizations, the government of Warrap State has chosen to refrain from making any statements regarding the outbreak of fighting in Abyei Town between the Ngok of Abyei fighting forces and their allied militias from Unity State. 

This action is unjust to Twic County, as it is being falsely accused by the Abyei Special Administration and its propaganda media. 

The conflict occurring within Abyei involves Abyei Titbaai, Nuer militias from the Unity State, and the UNISFA forces.  Neither Twic youth nor Gai Machiek are participating in the current conflict that began on January 27, 2027. 

Unfortunately, the governments of Warrap State and South Sudan, along with the United Nations Interim Force for Abyei (UNISFA), are permitting the Abyei Special Administration to make unfounded accusations against Twic County. 

The ongoing conflict has emerged due to the decision of the Abyei Special Administration to enlist Nuer militias from Unity State to resolve the land dispute between the Twic and Ngok communities.

Nevertheless, the Abyei Administration failed to uphold their commitment to paying the Nuer militias their dues, which has led to the ongoing conflict between the Titbaai militia of Abyei and their allies, the militia from Unity State.

The United Nations Interim Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is currently engaged in combat with the Abyei youth (Titbaai) and the Nuer youth from Unity State who were brought into Abyei by the Abyei Special Administration. 

Despite the evidence pointing towards the involvement of the Titbaai militia of Abyei and Unity State’s enlisted militias in the conflict, UNISFA has not issued a definitive statement identifying the factions currently engaged in fighting within Abyei Town. This has allowed the Abyei Special Administration to spread false accusations against the Twic Community.

Additionally, the Government of South Sudan and its SSPDF have refrained from denouncing the ongoing conflict between the Titbaai militia and Nuer militia from Unity State. Instead, they have allowed the Abyei Administration to spread falsehoods about Twic County, which could exacerbate the Twic/Abyei Conflict.

To facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Twic and Ngok, I respectfully request that the Government of South Sudan, Warrap State, and the UNISFA maintain transparency in their dealings with the Twic Community regarding the Abyei-Twic conflict.

Morris Kuol Yoll is a concerned Canadian of South Sudanese descent who resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He can be contacted at: myoll2002@yahoo.com

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