Education minister Awut Deng Achuil and her delegation in Kuajok, Warrap State on 11 March 2023. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

Education minister in Warrap to promote girl child education

The national Minister of General Education and Instructions, Awut Deng Achuil, and a delegation of legislators are in Warrap State to promote girl-child education.

The national Minister of General Education and Instructions, Awut Deng Achuil, and a delegation of legislators are in Warrap State to promote girl-child education.

According to the ministry, Warrap State recorded a low enrolment of girls in schools.

Minister Awut was accompanied by members of the education committees in the national assembly and senate and former education minister Deng Deng Hoch on Saturday.

“We are here to organize a conference on Monday to address the issue of girl child education in Warrap state where we have a low enrolment of girls last year in Tonj East, North, and Twic counties,” Minister Awut said. “We have come here to see the best way to dialogue with local communities and state government on how to support enrolling more girls in learning centers.”

She added that they were also in Warrap State to implement the free and compulsory education policy for all in the state. 

Minister Awut stated that she will launch a conference today to discuss with education stakeholders how to improve and promote girl child education.

According to the education ministry, parts of Eastern Equatoria and Central Equatoria, Unity, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area have recorded low enrolment of girls in schools.

Meanwhile, Manhiem Bol Malek, Warrap state governor, acknowledged that several factors including communal violence and some traditional practices have contributed to the low enrolment of girls in schools there. 

“In Warrap, it is true that the areas mentioned by the minister have low enrolment and are our concerns that our girls are not allowed to attend schools. So, for that reason, they came and it is our role to invite chiefs and other stakeholders to find out collectively the problem hindering girl child education,” he said.