Youth leader joins Gen. Buoy’s SSPM/A in Nairobi  

The founder of Senior Youth of South Sudan Dak Buoth Riek Gaak. (File photo)

The founder of Senior Youth of South Sudan Dak Buoth Riek Gaak, last Friday threw in his lot with Gen. Buoy. Buoth served as the chairman of the Unity State Community Association in Kenya from 2018 to 2023 and was also a former chairperson of the South Sudan Students Association in Kenya from 2014 to 2015.

The Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A), Gen. Stephen Buoy Rolnyang, at the weekend received a new member to his rebel outfit in Nairobi, Kenya.

The founder of Senior Youth of South Sudan Dak Buoth Riek Gaak, last Friday threw in his lot with Gen. Buoy. Buoth served as the chairman of the Unity State Community Association in Kenya from 2018 to 2023 and was also a former chairperson of the South Sudan Students Association in Kenya from 2014 to 2015.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj over the weekend, Gen. Buoy confirmed receiving a declaration by Buoth joining his movement.

“I was in a meeting and just saw his message online that he has joined me and he also talked to the Secretary-General of my movement, SSPM/A. However, I have not yet talked to him. When I came here (Nairobi), he came to me and expressed his willingness to join the movement,” Gen. Buoy explained. “He said he would go and do other things and then he would write his declaration letter. So, today (Friday), when I came out from the meeting, I saw on WhatsApp that he joined the movement, and even our Secretary-General congratulated him.”

“We have to welcome anybody who is planning to join the movement and we do not screen but welcome all people,” he added.

On the ongoing peace talks in Nairobi, Gen. Buoy said he believes they are going well but qualified that the delegates are not allowed to speak to the media.

“We are going on well although we have not reached a significant move. We are not allowed to say anything until everything is clear. So, I cannot tell you now what has happened until the parties come up with a statement,” he said.

Meanwhile, Buoth told this publication that he joined the SSPM/A to ensure reconciliation and unity among the communities of Unity State and across the country.

“The letter you have indicates that effective 14 June 2024, I am joining him (Gen. Buoy) because we had met and I had talks with him that generated an idea for me to join SSPM/A. I have been a civil rights activist and peace advocate and now that Gen. Buoy has joined the peace talks, it is important for people like us to join the peace,” he said. “I am joining him to lead and to make sure there is reconciliation and unity. If Gen. Buoy can forgive, what about the rest of the South Sudanese? What about the communities in Unity State and South Sudan?”

Buoth’s letter to Gen. Buoy said his decision was largely based on their shared objectives and struggle for good leadership that is human rights oriented.

“I acknowledge and appreciate that SSPM was established amidst frustration and anger to liberate Unity State and the entire South Sudan from the yoke of oppressions and injustices perpetuated by the existing lords of impunity,” the declaration read in part. “My declaration to join you and SSPM comes at a very pivotal moment when our country faces multi-faceted problems that require like-minded individuals to join hands in order to fast-track our country’s transition from a Refugee State to a Human Rights state.”