Trader robbed of 49 head of cattle, money in Lakes State

A trader driving a herd of cattle from Warrap State to Yirol in Lakes State was ambushed on Friday between Tonj and Cueibet counties robbed of 49 cows, SSP 500,000, and a phone by armed youth suspected to be from Warrap’s Tonj East County.

A trader driving a herd of cattle from Warrap State to Yirol in Lakes State was ambushed on Friday between Tonj and Cueibet counties robbed of 49 cows, SSP 500,000, and a phone by armed youth suspected to be from Warrap’s Tonj East County.

Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac, the police spokesperson in Lakes State, confirmed the incident which he said happened in the Malou-pech area on Friday at 5 p.m., and identified the robbed cattle trader as Achol Malual.

“A civilian who deals in cattle called Achol Malual was coming from Tonj to Yirol while driving 49 head of cattle and upon his arrival in the Malou-pech area, he was intercepted by criminals and all 49 cattle were raided and his SSP 500,000 SSP and one phone was taken,” he said. “These criminals are from the Thony Section in Tonj in Warrap State. The trader was coming from Tonj where people usually go and buy cattle which they later sell here in Lakes State and even in Juba.”

Maj. Mabor added: “Malual was driving his cattle on foot and was accompanied by other people but unfortunately, they found themselves in the hands of criminals who robbed them.”
He appealed to the people of Warrap State, especially those in Tonj East County which borders Lakes State, to report criminals so that there is peace along the border of the two states.

“I would want to advise them to identify criminals in Warrap and Lakes states so that the lawbreakers disturbing the security and peace along the border of these two sisterly states are apprehended and brought to justice,” Mabor said.