South Sudan says Sudanese plane wreckage now at army base

South Sudan confirmed it shot down a Sudanese MiG-29 fighter jet yesterday as it flew over Unity state. In a press statement senior South Sudanese official Pagan Amum said the plane’s wreckage is now at an army base in the country. The Sudanese military spokesman Al Sawarmi Khaled Saad again denied that any Sudanese plane had been shot down in South Sudan’s territory. ‘What the media reported is completely unaccurate,’ said Saad to reporters in Khartoum. He said the Sudanese military responded striking rebel bases when Sudanese rebels attacked [oil rich] Heglig allegedly backed by South Sudan.

South Sudan confirmed it shot down a Sudanese MiG-29 fighter jet yesterday as it flew over Unity state.

In a press statement senior South Sudanese official Pagan Amum said the plane’s wreckage is now at an army base in the country.

The Sudanese military spokesman Al Sawarmi Khaled Saad again denied that any Sudanese plane had been shot down in South Sudan’s territory.

‘What the media reported is completely unaccurate,’ said Saad to reporters in Khartoum.

He said the Sudanese military responded striking rebel bases when Sudanese rebels attacked [oil rich] Heglig allegedly backed by South Sudan.