Some of the patients who underwent surgical procedures. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Mary Help Hospital in Wau operates over 100 patients

The Catholic Church-run Mary Help Hospital in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, has successfully completed surgical procedures on 129 patients.

The Catholic Church-run Mary Help Hospital in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, has completed surgical procedures on 129 patients.

Last week, the hospital registered 800 people in need of different operations including goiter, hernia, and fistula, among others.

Some of the patients who came from the neighboring Warrap, Lakes, and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states underwent operations conducted by surgeons from Germany.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, the hospital’s director, Sister Gracy Adichirayil, said a total of 129 people have so far been successfully operated on.

“A total of 129 operations have been done by the two main surgeons. One doctor concentrated mainly on goiter and another doctor concentrated on fistula and prostate issues,” said Adichirayil. “We are very happy that these doctors were able to carry out such a big number of operations in a short time. All the operations were successful.”

Despite the high number of people who were registered for the operation, Sister Adichirayil said the surgeons had exhausted their time and that the fistula patients will be referred to Comboni Hospital for surgical operations in Jul.

“There is no extension even though more than 800 people were registered with goiter, hernia and prostatic problems and so on but the fistula patients have been referred to Comboni Hospital,” she said.

According to Adichirayil, the surgical camp was conducted with support from nuns from the German Church and each operation cost USD 500 but Mary Help Hospital only received USD 15,000 which did not cover the operation of 800 people.

She urged any well-wishers to support the hospital to continue providing services to ordinary people who cannot afford to travel for treatment abroad.

Joseph Louis, one of the patients who underwent hernia surgery, appreciated the hospital for saving his life.

“I was suffering very much. I came on foot from Ngolongo in Wau County. I thank God that I am now well and can urinate without difficulty,” he said.

Another patient, Jackeline Amass, thanked the hospital’s director for organizing the surgical camp.

“I thank Sister Adichirayil sister who worked hard to bring these doctors to carry out operations,” she said.
“I suspected that I had a hernia but these people detected it and I operated successfully.”

On her part, Awadhia Vensensio who also underwent surgery said it was difficult for her to travel to Khartoum or Juba for the operation due to lack of money.

“I was suffering from goiter and had no money to travel elsewhere for the operation,” she said. “I have been operated upon and I am now feeling well.”