Council of States committee on Twic-Abyei conflict arrives Warrap State

Angelo Beda. (Courtesy photo)

The ad hoc committee of the Council of States tasked to investigate the conflict between Abyei’s Ngok Dinka and the Twic community of Warrap State on Thursday arrived in Kuajok, Warrap State, where they were received by Governor Aleu Ayieny.

The ad hoc committee of the Council of States tasked to investigate the conflict between Abyei’s Ngok Dinka and the Twic community of Warrap State on Thursday arrived in Kuajok, Warrap State, where they were received by Governor Aleu Ayieny.

The committee of the upper house of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) is headed by Angelo Beda who is also the chairman of the Council of States’ conflict resolution committee.

In February, a dispute between the two communities over the ownership of Aneet town led to clashes between armed youths from Twic and Abyei resulting in the burning of Aneet market.

Angelo Beda told Radio Tamazuj Saturday that the purpose of his visit was to listen to the warring communities and find ways of ending the conflict.

“I was appointed by the speaker of the Council of States to fact-find the issue of the Aneet conflict because the mandate of the Council of States is conflict resolution, peace, and development,” he explained. “So, there are three committees formed and one has left for Western Equatoria State to address the conflict between Azande and Balanda, another, an ad hoc committee left for Unity State to fact find the conflict between Ruweng Administrative Area community and the community of Unity State, and my team is here to listen to the communities of Twic and Abyei.”

“We were welcomed by Governor (Ayieny) on Thursday and he left no stone unturned because he knows the conflict resolution processes, and on Friday we listened to the Twic County state parliamentarians and the paramount chief who is almost a veteran at conflict mitigation,” Beda added.

The veteran politician said his committee will on Monday go to Twic County on Monday and listen to the community members before proceeding to Abyei where they will also visit the UNISFA site.

Meanwhile, William Wol Mayom, the Warrap State information minister confirmed the arrival of the Council of States committee and said the security situation in the state is stable.

“It is true that an ad hoc committee which is comprised of six members including journalists came to Warrap State and met Governor Aleu Ayieny and they will continue with their journey to Turalei in Twic County on Monday,” he said.

Earlier this year, President Salva Kiir formed a high-level committee headed by Vice President Hussein Abdelbagi Akol to investigate the genesis of the Twic-Abyei conflict. At the behest of Vice President Akol, the two communities agreed to cease hostilities but fighting resumed three weeks later.

In October, armed youth from the two communities severally clashed in Aneet and Agok areas prompting the SSPDF to deploy to mitigate the situation.