Central Bank lays foundation stone for finance institute in Wau

Governor of the Central Bank of South Sudan, Dr. James Alic Garang, joined forces with the Governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal State on Friday to mark a significant milestone in the banking sector.

Governor of the Central Bank of South Sudan, Dr. James Alic Garang, joined forces with the Governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal State on Friday to mark a significant milestone in the banking sector.

Their collaboration led to the laying of the foundation stone for a new institute for banking and finance in Wau town. Dr. Garang emphasized the pivotal role of this institute in enhancing banking services and professional development within South Sudan.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Garang highlighted the significance of this milestone in enhancing banking services in South Sudan.

“Today marks a significant milestone in the history of banking and finance in South Sudan as we gather to lay the foundation stone for the Bank of South Sudan Institute of Banking and Finance. This momentous occasion symbolizes our commitment to the development of banking and underscores the importance of a skilled workforce,” said Dr. Garang.

He emphasized that the establishment of the institute in Wau will offer opportunities for professional development in the banking sector. “Through this institute, the Bank of South Sudan aims to equip our banking professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to excel,” he added.

Garang expressed appreciation for the Western Bahr el Ghazal State government, led by Governor Sarah Cleto Rial, for providing the space to establish the institute. He emphasized that the state will greatly benefit from the services offered by the institute.

Highlighting the potential cost savings, Garang noted that the institute will reduce expenses associated with sending professionals abroad for banking training. “Instead of sending our professionals across the region to countries like Tanzania and beyond to Western Africa, all our banking professionals will now have the opportunity to receive training here,” he explained.

Governor Sarah Cleto Rial welcomed the establishment of the institute in Wau town, affirming the state government’s continued support for the project. “We assure you of our full support in the construction of this bank,” she stated.

Predicting significant employment and human resource development within two years, Governor Cleto emphasized the importance of security for progress. “Without peace, we cannot achieve development,” she asserted.

Calling for collaborative efforts to promote developmental projects nationwide, Governor Cleto encouraged investors to consider opportunities in Wau. “We stand ready to support and encourage other investors interested in coming to Wau,” she concluded.